| Chapter Twelve Formulae for Regulating Blood
This group of formulae is composed of herbs for regulating blood arid has the effects of promoting the blood circulation and arresting bleeding to treat blood disorders.
Blood is the fnndameoial substances which nourishes the human body, and it circulates in the vessels and passes through the whole body to moistens and nourishes the all viscera and extrenoties. If some causative factors affect normal circula tion of blood, there will appear disorders of hlood stasis, bleeding or hlood deficiency. For blood deficiency, tonifying blood therapy should he prescribed, it has been introduced in tonic formulae. here are only introduced the formulae for promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis and those for arresting bleeding.
Chapter 5 in the Plain Questions states: “The case of blood stasis should he treated wiih promoting bloodcirculation to remove stasis.” “Regulating qi and blood, and then keeping circulation in their own pathways”. According to these basic principles, the therapy of promoting blood circulation to remove stasis is used for treatment of syndrome of blood stassis, and therapy of arresting bleeding for treatment of bleeding syndrome.
Blood stasis syndrome and bleeding syndrome are attributable to different disorders, however, there are inter-promoting and inter-transforming relation ships between them. If the escape of blood from the vessels accumulates within the ho man body, there may form the blood stasis. Prolonged ecchymosis may obstructions arid impairs the blood vessels, leading to bleeding, thus, therapies of promo ting blood circulation and arresting bleeding are usually used together in clinical practice. Mureover, the one is most to differentiate what is primary from what is secondary, so as to remove blood stasis without impairment of the genuine qi and arrest bleeding without bringing blood stasis.
Blood disorder is cnmplicated, and one should differentiate mild and heavy, acute and chronic in addition to difference of cold, heat, deficiency and excess syn dromas. When treating blood disorders, it is imperative to search for causative factors and distinguish the “branch” and “root” of disease, as well as being acute and chronic, so that the “branch” should be treated first for emergency or acute case, while the “root” should be treated for chronic or mild case or consideration must
be given to both the “bronch” and the “root”. Owing to “Qi is the commander of blond, blood circulates following qi flows”, this is why some herbs fnr regulating qi and for tonifying qi are often added to formulae for regulating blood, so that blood stasis is removed by activating qi or bleeding is arrested by replenishing qi to command the blood, which is selected based on syndrome differentiation in clinical practice. In addition, formulae for promoting blood circolation to remove stasis are easy to accelerate blood circluation and injury the fetus, so io cases of manor rhagia and pregnancy ibis kiad of formulae should be used very carefully.
Section 1 Formulae for Promoting Blood
Circulation to Remove Stasis
This kind of formulae sre used for syndromes of blood accumulation and of blood stasis. Herbs for promoting blood circulstion to remove stasis such as chua nxiong rhizome, peach kernel, safflower, red prony root, red sage root, cat-tail pailen,trogopterus dung, burreed tuber, zedoary and ground beetle, etc. are usually used as principal herbs to form the formualc.
Bluud circulaiion follows the flow of qi, and blood stasis is always accompanied by qi stagnation. Thus, same herbs for activating qi, such as tangerine peel, aucklandia root, notgrass flatscdgc rhizome, green tangerine peel, bitter orange and lindera root are uften added to formulae for promoting blood circulation and activating qi. Warmth promotes blood circulation, while cold may create stagnation. That is why some interior-warming herbs, such as evodia froit, cinnamon twig, cinnamon bark, common fennel fruit and baked ginger arc often added to the formulae to warm the meridians and activate the vessels for dispelling cold and promoting blood circolation. For insufficiency of yin—blood due to chronic blood stasis causing lack of fresh blood, rebmannia root, ophiopogon root, donkey hide gelalin, white peony root and fresh-water turtle shell can he added to the formula to clear away heat and nourish yin. For blood stasis accompanied by qi deficiency, aatragalos root shoold be added to the formula to replenish qi and promote blood circulation. For case of accumulation of blood and heat, rhubarb, scotellaria roor and mootan bark can be used to clear away heat and purge fire. The main representalive formolae are Purgative Decoction of Peach Kernel, Blood Hoose StasisDispelling Decoction, Decoction of Activating Blood for Recovery, Decoclian of In vigorating Yang for Recuperation, Meridian Warming Decoctton, Blood-Regenerating and Stasis removing Decoction, Laoghing Powder and Activating Callaterals
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Effective Pill, etc.
Peach Kernel Purgative Decoction
tao he chCng qI tang
SOURCE: Treatise on Cold-Attack
Peach Kernel 12g
Rhubarb 12g
Cinnamon twig 6g
Licorice root(roasted) 6g
Mirahiltie 6g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Breaking blood stasis
INDICATIONS: Syndrome of hlood accumulation in the lower jiao niarked by tight sensation of the lower abdomen, mama hot normal urination, even polydipsia, delirium, fever at the nigth, or amenorrhea, dysmcnnrrhea, dry tongue with yellow coating, deep, forceful or deep, hesitant pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula to treat syndrome of blood accumulation in the lower-f iao due to stessis of both blood and heat, Peach kernel breaks blood stasis. Rhubarb has the effects of sweeping away heat evil and purging blood stasis. The eumbinatioo of these two herbs remove the stasis and heat simultaneously, so they are considered as principal herbs. Cinnamon twig warms meridians and activates vessels and assists peach kernel in promoting blood circulation to remove stasis. Mirabilita softens hardness to resolve lump and as sists rhubarb in loosening the bowels to purge heat and promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis, functioning as assistant herbs. Roasted licorice is used as dispatcher herb with affects of benefiting qi, harmonizing the middle and moderating the properties of all other herbs.
ln clinical practice this formula is usually used for stasis of both the blood adn heat in the lower flea involved in acute pclvitis, retention of placenta, adiiexi tis, intestional obstruction and others.
Recovery Blood-Activating Decoction
fit yuan huit xuè tUng
SOURCE: Invention of Medicine
Bupleurum root 15g
Snakegourd root 9g
Chinese angelica root 9g
Safflower 6g
Licorice root 6g
Pangolin seales(roasted) 6g
Rhubarh(soaked in wine) 30g
Peach kernel(soaked in wine, peeled anti ground into paste) 9g
DIRECTioNS: Decoet all the herbs in water fur oral administration.
EFFECTS: Promoting blood circulation to relieve stasis, soothing the liver and aetivating collaterals.
INDICATIONS Blood stasis in the hypochondriac region doe to traomatic in jury marked by extreme pain, red tongue with yellow coating, taut, tense or rapid pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a basic formula for traumatic injury. Rhu barb, prepared with wine, is used in large dosage to relieve blood stasis. Bupleu rum root has the effects of soothing the liver and regulating qi. These two herbs are combined to eradicate blood stasis in the hypochondriac region. They act as principal herbs. Peach kernel, Chinese angelica rout, safflower and pangolin scales as assistant herbs promote blood circulation to relieve stasis and swelling to stop pain. Snakegourd root is used as adjuvant herb to clear away heat,moisten dryness and relieve swelling and lump. Licorice root relieve contraction and pain, and coordinates the other ingredients in the formula, playing the role of dispatcher herb.
This formula is effective for treating accumulation of blood stasis involved in intercostal neuralgia, costal chrondritis and soft tissue injury.
Blood-House Blood 5tasis-Dispelling Decoctiofi
xuè thu yu tang
SOURCE: Corrections on the Errors of Medical Works
Peach kernel 12g
Safflower 9g
Chinese angelica root 9g
Rebmannia root 6g
huanxiong rhizome Bg
Red peony root 6g
Aehyranthes root 9g
Platycedon root 5g
Bupleurum root 3g
Bitter orange Gg
Licorice root 3g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Promoting blood circulation to relieve stasis and activating qi to stup pain.
INDICATIONS: Syndrome of blood stasis in the chest manifested by longstanding prickly chest pain and headache in a fixed region, or frequent hiccup, or choke when drinking, retching, nr dysphuria due interior-heat, palpit, tiun, insomnia, restlessness at the night, irritability and bad temper, fever at dusk, deep-red tongue with purple spots on its border or the surface, dark-porple lips or dark eyes, hesitant pulse or taut, tense pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is common formula for treatment of blood stasis in the chest. This formula is based on Peach Kernel Safflower Deceotion (prepared rehmannia root and white penny root are replaced by rehmannia root and red penny rout in the formula) with addition of bupleorum root, hitter orange, platyendnn root, aehyranthes rent and licorice rent. Peach kernel and safflower as principal herbs prnmnte blond circulation to remove stasis. Choanxiong rhiznme, red penny rnnt and Chinese angeliea root are used as adjuvant herbs tn assist principal herbs in promoting blond circulation and nnorishing blond. Bupleurum met soothes the liver and relieve depression to regulate functional activities of qi; platycodon root disperses the long-qi and leads the effects of other herbs to the upper portion; birter orange lowers qi to dispel stuffiness and seethes the chest to activate qi ; achyranthes met clears the hlnnd vessels and leads blond dnwnward; The fnnr of them in enmhinatinn lead to the resnult nf coordination of both as eending and descending sn that the clear goes upward, the tnrhid downward, and qi and hlnnd circulate normally;Rehmannia rent clears away heat, cools blond and relieves anxiousness, and combines Chinese angelica rent tn nourish blond and moisten dryness se as to clear blond stasis without impairment of yin. Licorice root is used as dispatcher herb with the effect of coordinating all the other herbs.
Today this formula is often used for treatment of qi stagnation and blond stasis involved in coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, contusion in the chest, chest pain due to costal ehrnndritis, neorosis, pnstconcnssinnal syndrome
and others.
(1) Orifice Dredging and Blood-Activating Decoction (tong qiào hud xué tang)
SOURCE: Corrections of the Errors of Medical Works
Red peony root 3g
Chuanxiong rhizome 3g
Peach kernel 9g
Safflower 9g
Green Chinese onion 3g
Fresh ginger 9g
Chinese date(kernel removed) 7 pcs.
Musk( wrapped in a piece of cloth) 0. 15g
Millet wine 250g
DIRECTIONS: l)ecnct all the ingredients in water for oral administtration.
EFFECTS: Promoting blood circulation to clear orifice.
1NDICA’I’IONS: Blood stasis in the head and face marked by headache, dizziness, chronic heavy hearing, loss of hair, purple complexion,or rosacea,or vitiligo, or phthisis clue to withered blood in women, infantile malnutrition manifested as emaciated muscle, large abdomen with prominent veins, withered hair, tidal fever, etc. Today this formula can be used for treatment of sequclae of cerebral coricusSian.
(2) Under Diaphram Blood Stasis-Dispelling Decoctioa(gé .xid zhd yu tang)
SOURCE: Corrections of the Errors of Medical Works
Trogopterus dung 9g
Chinese angelica root 9g
Chuanxiong rhizome 6g
Peach kernel 9g
Mouton hark 6g
Red peony root 6g
Lindera root Gg
Corydalis tuber 3g
Licorice root 3g
Notgrass flatsedgc rhizome 5g
Safflower 9g
Bitter orange 5g
DIRECTIONS: Deeoet all the herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis and activating iii to stop pain.
INDICATIONS: Sub-diaphromotic mass caosed by blood stasis, or infantile mass in the abdomen, or abdominal pain in fixed region, or feeling of down-bearing as if there were something heavy in abdomen when lying in lateral position.
(3) Lower Abdomen Blood Stasis-Dispelling Decoction (shdo JP aM ye tang)
SOURCE: Corrections of the Errors of Medical Works
Common fennel fruit 1. 5g
Dried ginger 3g
Corydalis tuber 3g
Myrrh 3g
Chinese angelica root 9g
Chuanxiong rhizome 3g
Bark of Chinese cassia tree 3g
Red peony root 6g
Cat tail pollen 9g
Trugopterus dung 6g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis and warming the meridian to stop pain.
INDICATIONS: Mass in the lower abdomen due to blond stasis with or with out pain, or pain the lower abdomen without mass,nr distention in the lower ahdomen, or snrenes of waist and abdominal distention during menstruation,or mcnnrrhagia with dark color and clots or metrorrhagia and metrostaxis with distending pain in the lower abdomen.
(4) Bland Stagnation-Relieving Decuction for Pantalgia (shea tang a/sd ye tang)
SOURCE: Corrections of Errors of Medical Works
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Large leaf gentian root 3g
Choaoxiong rhizome 6g
Peach kernel 9g
Safflower 9g
Licorice root 6g
Notopterygium root 3g
Myrrh 6g
Chinese angelica root 9g
Trogopteros dung 6g
Nutgrass flatsedge rhizome 3g
Achyranthes root 9g
Earth worm 6g -
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Promoting hlood circulation, activating qi, resolving blood stasis and blockage to clear and to stop pain.
INDICATIONS: Blockage syndrome caused hy the obstruction of qi and blond in the meridians manifested by long standing omalgia, brechialgia, lumbago, pain in the legs or pantalgia.
NOTES: All the formulae listed above crc hased on chuanxiong rhizome, Chi nese angelica root, peach kernel and safflower. They all have the effects of promo ting blood circulation to resolve stasis and to stop pain, and are indicated for syndromes of blood stasis. Among them, Blood-House Stasis Dispelling Decoctioo contains hitter orange, platycodun root and bupleurum which activate qi to soothe the chest and achyranthes root which leads the blood downwards, so it is good at clearing stagnation of qi in the chest end hypuchondriom and leading blood downwards, and it is suitable for syndrome of stasis in the chest. Orifice-Dredging and Blood Activating Dccoction contains musk and green Chinese union which havt stronger actions uf promoting blood circulation and clearing orifices, and it is used for blood stasis in the head and face. Under Diaphram Blood Stasis-Dispelling Dc coction contains nutgrass flotsedge rhizome., corydalis tuber, lindera root and hit ter orange which soothe the liver, octivate qi and stop pain, and it is used for blooe stasis under the diaphram and hypoehondrium marked disteodng pain in the abdomen with masses. Lower Abdomen Blood Stasis Dispelling Deeoctiuo contaim common fennel fruit, bark of Chinese cassia tree, and dried ginger which havm stronger effects of warming roeridians to stop pain, so it is used for mass in thc
lower abdomen due to blood stasis, irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea. Stagnation-Relieving Decaction for Pantalgia contains large-leaf gentian root, notopterygiuni rout and earth worm which clears the meridian and colluterals and blockage syndrome to stop puin. It is used for arthrodynia of extremities or gener al pain in the body due tu blood stasis in the meridians and collaterals.
Yang-Invigorating Recnperation Decoetion
ha yang haán wü tang
SOURCE: Corrections no Errors uf Medical Worke
Astragalus rout 120g
Chinese angelica root fig
Red peony root fig
Earth warm 3g
Chuanxiong rhizome 3g
Safflower 3g
Peach kernel 3g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs in water far oral administration.
EFFECTS: Replenishing qi, promoting hlood circulation and clearing collater ale.
INDICATIONS: Hemiplegia of apoplectic sectoelac marked by wry face, slurring of speech, involuntary drooling, atrophy and disability of lower limbs, fre qoent urination or involuntary enuresis, white coating of tongoe and moderate polse.
ANALYSTS OF FORMULA: It is the basic formula commonly used for hemi plegia of apoplectic seqnelae manifested as syndrome of qi deficiency and blood stasis. Astragalne root as principal herl) in the formula is used in large dosage to invigorate primordial qi so as to promote blood circulation and resolve blood stasis without impairment of the genuine-qi. Chinese angelica as an assistant herb root promotes blond criculatton to resolve stasis without impairment of yin blood. Choanxiang rhizome, red peony root, peach kernel and satflower are used to assist Chinese angelica rnn in promoting bland circulation to resolve stasis. Earth-worm has the effects of clearing the meridians and activating the cnllaterals. They play the role of adjuvant and dispatcher herbs. The cambination of all ingrodients makes qi activated and blond circulated normally, stasis resolved and the meridians and collaterals cleared, thus bring the result of recovery.
The dosage of astragalus root usually begins with 30 to 60 grams and then is increased gradually. The patient should continua to take the deeoetion after release of symptoms for a period to prevent relapse.
This formula can he used for seqoalae of ccrcbrovascular accident, sequelac of infantile paralysis or hemiplegia paraplegia and nionoplegia caused by other diseases manifested as syndrome nf qi deficiency and blood stasis.
Qill Power
qill san
SOURCE: Collection of Effective Formulae
Dragon blood 30g
Musk 0. 4g
Burncol 0. 4g
Frankincense 5g
Myrrh 5g
Safflower 5 g
Cinnabar 4g
Catechu 7. 5g
DIRECTIONS: Grind the above ingredients into fine powder, which is stqrcd airtightly. Take 0. 22 to 1. 5 grams each time with millet wine or with warm boiled water. Proper dosage of powder nuxad with wine is applied on the affected region.
EFFECTS: Promoting blood circulation, removing stasis and arresting pain and bleeding.
INDICATIONS: Swelling and pain doe to blood stasis caused by traumatic injury and fracture, or bleeding doe to incised wound, as well as innominate inflam matory swelling, burns and scalds.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula for fractures and wounds. Dragon blood is osed as a principal herb with the effects of promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis and arresting bleeding and pain. Safflower proniotes blood circulation to resolve stasis. Frankincense and myrrh activate qi to resolve stasis and relieve swelliog to stop pain. Musk and Borneol clear the meridi amis and collaterals and activate qi to dissipate stasis. They are used together as assistant herbs. Catechu clears away heat to stop bleeding, cinnabar tranquilizes the heart-spirit, acting as adjuvant herbs. This formola is used as both oral administration and external application. It is very effective for treating pain due to blood
stasis and bleeding caused by both external injury arid internal injury as well as hemal emesis.
All ingredients in the formula are the aromalic barbs for activating qi ta re salve stasis, and far [his reason, it is not advisable for women in pregnancy.
Laughing Powder
shi XiaO 5411
SOURCE: Formulae of Peaceful Benevolent Dispensary
Tropopterus dung
Cat-tail pollen
(These two herbs are used in same dosage.)
DIRECTIONS: Grind the twa ingredients into fine powder. Take 6 grams each time with millet wine or vinegar. Or decoct them in water fur oral administratian,with a currespunding dusage.
EFFECTS; Promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis and to relieve pain.
INDICATIONS: Accurnulalion of blood stasis marked by a severe pain in the abdomen, or postpartum retention of lochia, or irregular menstruation, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, dark-red tongue with red spots to ecchymosis on the borders, taut, tense pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula for pain due to blood stasis. Tropopterus dung clears the blood vessels and dissipates blood stasis to relieve pain. Cat-tail pollen activates blood circulation to arrest bleeding. To be taken after being infused in millet wine or vinegar aims at promoting blood circulation to clear collaterals and dispersing herbal potency so as to increase the effect of arresting pian.
Red Sage Root Decoction
dan then yin
SOURCE: The Golden Mirror of Medicine
Red sage root Sog
Sandalwood 5g
Arnurruuo fruit 5g
DiRECTIONS: Decoct all the above herbs in water for oral admoiniatration.
EFFECTS: Promaliog blood circulation to resolve stasis and activating qi to
stop pain.
iNDICATIONS: Syndrome of blood stasis arid qi stagnation with the pectoral
pain, stnmsehache, red tongue with yellow coating, taut with slight rapid poise.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: Red sage root as a principal herb is used in large dosage to promote blood circulation to resolve slasis. Sandalwood and amomuro fruit are taken as assistant and adjuvant herbs to activate qi, relieve pain and harmonize the stomach with aromatics. The three herbs together have tire effects of promoting blood circulation to resolve blood stasis and regulating the flow of qi to stop pain.
Today this formula is often used for chronic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, angina pectoris manifested as syndrome of qi stagnation and blood stasis. It is also used for dysmenorrhea doe to blood stasis, and pain in hypochundriuni in hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.
Meridians-Warming Decoction
wën flag tdng
SOURCE: Synopsis of the qolden Chamber
Evodia fruit 9g
Chinese angelica root 9g
Peony root Pg
Chuanxroog rhizome 6g
Ginseng 6g
Cinnamon twig 6g
Donkey-hide gelatin 9g
Moutan bark 6g
Fresh gioger 6g
Licorice rout 6g
Pinellia tuber 9g
Lilyturf ruut(Ophiopogon) 9g
DIRECTIONS: Deeoct all the above herbs in water for ural administration.
EFFECTS: Warming the meridians to expel cold, nourishing the blood and resolving blood stasis.
INDICATIONS: Deficiency-cold of Chong and Ren Meridians and stagnation of blood marked by nietrorrhagia and mctrostuxis, or irregular menstruation, pre ceded or delayed menstrual cycle, or overdue or unceased menstrual duration, or
occurrence of menstruation twice or more io ooe month, or eveoiog fever, hoi. in the palms, dry lips and mouth, cramping of the lower abdomen, abdominal fullness, pale and dark tongue with thin white coating, deep, thready with forceless pulse or taut, thready and hesitant pulse. Tt is also used for tailure to he pregnan—
tcd. -
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: lt is a basic formula commonly used for regula ting menstruation. Evodia fruit warms the liver and kidney, and activates qi to stop pain. Cinnamon twig warms tho moridians to cxpel cold and clears the blood vessels. The two herbs are used together as principal herhs. Chinese angelica root and chuanxiung rhizome are assistant herbs with the effects of nourishing blood to regulate menstruation and promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis. Donkey- hide gelatin, peony root arid lilyturf root replenish yin and blond, and moistens dryness to clear heat. Moutan bark cools blood, dispels stasis and clears away deficiency heat. Ginseng, fresh ginger and pinellia tuber invigorate qi and harmonize the stomach tu promote yang germination and yin growth, assisting the source of qi and blood formation. The above herbs act together as adjuvant herbs. Licorice root, as a dispatcher herb, can coordinate the effects of the other herbs in the for mob.
in clinical practice, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic inflamma— tiun, hysterumyuma and leukurrhea manifested as symptoms of deficiency—cold of Chong and Ron Meridians can be treated by modified formulas.
Blood-Regenerating and Stasis-Resolving Decoction
sheng huâ tang
SOURCE: Pu Qingzhu ‘ s Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chinese augelica root 24g
Chuanxiong rhizome 9g
Peach kernel(peabed) Gg
Baked ginger 2g
Roasted licorice rout 2g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs listed above in water or mixed with millet wine for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis and warming the meridians tu stop pain.
INDICATIONS: Postpartum retention of bochia marked by pain in the lower
abdomen with cold sensation, aggravated pain by pressing, dark porplish borders of tongoe, thready, hesitant or taut, thready pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula for treatmcnt of postparturn retention of lochia. Chinese angelica root as a principal herb is used in large dose to noorish blood and promote blood circulation, and resolve stasis to promote regeneration of blood. Chuanxiong rhizome promotes blood circulation and aetivotes qi. Peach kernel possesses the effect of promoting blood circulation to re solve stasis. The two ingredients nre taken as assistant herbs. Baked ginger, going into the blood phase, warms the meridians to dispel cold. Millet wine has the effects of warming and clearing the blood vessels to reinforce potency of the other herbs in the formala. The above herbs are adjovant herbs. Licorice root as a dispatcher herb relieves contraction and pain, and coordinates the effects of other herbs.
This formula is anly composed of five herbs, however, the combination of all ingredients is virtually characteristics of warming and nourishing actions accompa nied by promoting blood circulation. They work together to result in nisolving blond stasis without impairment of the genuine-qi and strengthening the genuineqi wit boat retaining the evil-qi. It is effective for resolving blood stasis and pramno ting blood formation. That’s why it is known as “Blood Regenerating and Stasis- Resolving” Decoctian.
Effective Collaterals-Activating Pellets
huó luô xiâo hag dan
SOURCE: Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine
Chinese angelica root 15g
Red sage root 1 Bg
Frankincense 15g
Myrrh 15g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the above herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS; Promoting blood circulation to rrsalvt stasis and clearing callater als to stop pain.
INDICATIONS: Abdominal masses and unstable gathering doe to qi stagna tion and blood stasis marked by cardiac and ahdominal pain, ecchymosis and swelling due to traumatic injury, pain in the arms and legs, ulceration and sores, pur plish tongue, taut, thready with hesitant or taut, tense pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: Chinese angelica root noorishes and activates blood. Red sage root as ossistoni berb is osed to assist Chinese angelica root in promoting blood circolation to resolve stasis and activating qi to stop pain. I’he combination of foor herbs in the formula make blood stasis resolved and meridians and collatcrals cleared, thus pain relieved.
Today modified formolas are osually used for treating coronary heart (hs ease, angina pcctoris, extrauterine pregnancy, cerebral thrombosis, sciatic neuralgia and others marked by syndrome of qi stagnation and blood stasis.
Section 2 FormuLae for Arresting Bleeding
This group of formulae are indicated for syndrames af hematemesis, epistexis, hernaptysis, hematuria hemotochezia, mctrurrhagia and nietrastaxis due to cx travascular flow of blood. Only when blood circulates inside the vessels, can it play its physiological function. The escape of bload fram the vessels may lead to different disorders. Hemorrhage usually occurs as a result of incised wound, trao matic injury, bleeding due to blood heat, weakness of yeng-qi and internal accumulation of blood stasis. Arresting bleeding should be prescribed. Same hemostatics, such as hiota tups,japanese thistle, field thistle, cat—tail pollen, hairy vein agrimo ny, palma bark, notuginseng, donkey-hide gelatin, argi leaf, bess lining of a heyburning stove and sophara flower, arc usually taken as principal herbs to consti tute the formulae. The conditions of hemorrhage syndrome arc complicated, which exist differences between the mild and heavy, the chrunic and emergency, the cold and heat, the deficiency and excess, the upper and lower, as well as the interior and exterior. Fur case of bleeding due to blood-heat, Rhubarb, capcjasmine fruit, scutellaria root, moutan bark and dried rchmannia root should he added to the formula to clear away heat and arrest bleeding. If weakness of yang—qi leads to failure of the spleen to command blued, dried ginger and prepared aconite lateral root should lie used with the formula to warm yang and step bleeding. For case of fail ore of blood to circulate in the meridians due to prolonged blood stasis, Chinese angelica root, red sage root and chuanxiung rhizome can lie added to the formula to promote blood circolation and resolve stasis. Flcmostatics combined with herbs for promoting blood circulation have the effects of arresting bleeding to prevent blood stasis. For hemorrhage in the upper orifices accompanied by symptoms of excess syndrome, achyranthes root and red ochre can be combined with the formula to lead blood downward. For hemorrhage in the lower part of the body, a small
amount of herbs for alevating can be used with the formula to assist it in arresting bleeding. The representative formulae are Ten Charred Herbs Powder, Four Fresh Herbs Pills, Hemoptysis—Arresting Decoction, Small Thistle Decoction, Sophors Flower Powder and Yellow Earth Deeoetion.
Ten Chnrred Herbs Powder
shI hal são
SOURCE: Miraculous Book of Ten Kinds of Dosage Form
Japanese thirtle
Field thistle
Lotus leaf
Biota tops
Cogongrass rhizooie
Rubia root
Capejasmine fruit
Palm bark
Mootan bark
All the herbs listed above are to be used in same dosage.
DIRECTIONS: Parch all the herbs to he dark but the original character ro mained, and then grind them into powder. Take 9 grams each time with lotus root juice or radish juice combined with little amount of Chinese ink. All the above herbs can also he deeoeted in water for yral administration with the dosage modi fied io proportion to the original formula.
EFFECTS: Cooling Hood to stop hleeding.
INDICATIONS: Syndrome of bleeding doe to blood-hoot marked by hematemsis, epistaxis, henioptysis, red tongue with yellow coating, taut, rapid or rolling, rapid poIse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a arresting hleeding formula used for emergency treatment of bleeding doe to blood-heat. Japanese thistle, field thirtle, lotus leaf, biota tops and eogongrass rhizome are used to cool blood to stop bleeding. Palm bark has the effect of astringing to arrest bleeding. They are used together as principal herhs. Since the syndrome is caused by bleeding doe to hlood-heat and exuberance of qi and flaring of fire, then cooling blood to arrest bleeding, eapejasmine fruit is used to clear away heat and purge fire, rhubarb is taken to lead heat
downward and get the result of qi fire lowered and blood arrested. All the above herbs are assistant herbs. Mouton bark as adjuvant herb is combined with rhubarb to cool blond and resolve stasis so as to create the resolt of cooling blood to arrest bleeding without retaining stasis. All the herbs in the formula are patched to dark with the original character retnained to increase the effect of astringing to arrest bleeding. Lotus juice or radish juice combined with prepared Chinese ink are taken to strengthen the effects of cleating away heat and cooling blood to arresi bleeding. The combination of all ingredients has the effects both of cooling blood to arrest bleeding and clearing away heat and purging fire to remove stasis. But this formula is contraindicated in hemorrhage due to deficiency cold.
Four Fresh Herbs Pills
Si sheng wan
SOURCE: Effective Formulae for Women
Fresh lotus leaf 9g
Fresh argri leaf 9g
Fresh biota top l2g
Rehmannia root 15g
DIRECTIONS: The four herbs in same dose are ground into tough powder first, and then make into bolus as big as the egg. One balus each time is decoctcd in walét for ural administration. Or all the shove herbs are decocted in water for oral administraion.
EFFECTS: Cooling blued to arrest bleeding.
INDICATIONS: Bleeding due to blond heat marked by hematemesis and epistaxis with bright red color, dry mouth and throat, red or deep-red tongue, taut and rapid pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula to treat hemoptysis and epistaxis caused by blood-heat. Biota top is used as a principal herb with the effect of cooling blood to arrest bleeding. Rehrnannia rout as an assistant herb clears the heart to cool blood and nourishes yin to promote the production of body fluids. Lotus leaf arrests bleeding and dissipates stasis. These three herbs are all cold in property. Argri leaf, being warm in property, warms the meridians and dispels cold and so is used to counter—act the cold properties of the other herbs in the for muln. The combination of lotus leaf and agri leaf create the result of arresting bleeding without retaining stasis, They arc adjuvant herbs.
Biota top, lotus leaf and rehmannia root in the formula are used in fresh herbs to strengthen the effect of cooling blood to arrest bleeding.
This formula can be used for hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis and bran ehiectasis and hemathemesis of gastric ulcer manifested as symptoms of bleeding due to blood-heat.
Hemoptysis Deccoetion
ké xné fang
SOURCE: Danxi’s Experiential Therupies
Natural indigo 6g
Trichosanthes seed 9g
Pumice 9g
Capejesnune fruit 9g
Chebula fruit 6g
DIRECTIONS: Grind the above herbs into fine powder and then nux ii with honey and giuger juice to make intu bolos. Hold the holus in mouth and let it slowly melt. It can also be decocted jn water for oral adnunisi ration.
EFFECTS: Clearing away heat, resolving phlegm and astringing the lung to alleviate cough and bI ceding.
INDICATIONS: Syndrome of liver fire scorching the lung marked by cough with bloody and thick sputum, difficulty in expectoration, or anxiety and easy to be upset, stabbing pain in chest and hypochondrium, flushed face, constipation, red tongue with yellow coating,taut and rapid pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula for treatmeat of syndrorne of liver-fire invading the lung manifested by cough with bloody sputum and hemoptysis. Natural indigo and Capejasmine fruit clear the liver, purge fire, relieve anxiety and arrest bleeding. They are used as principal herbs to treat the “root” of disease. Triihosanthes seed and pumice as assistant herbs have the effects of clearing away heat, purging fire, moistening dryness and resolving phlegm. Since frequent cough may lead to hemoptysis, chebula is used to asiringe the lung to stop cough and resolve phlegm to relieve asthma, playing a role of ad] avant herb.
This formula can he used far syndrome of the liver fire invading the lung marked by hemoptysis involved in bronehiectasis end pulmonary tuberculosis.
Sophora Flower Powder
huâi hod sdn
SOURCE: Effective Formulae
Sophora flower(parched) 12g
Biuta tops l2g
Schizonepeta spike 6g
Bitter orangeQ archer1 with wheat hran) 6g
DIRECTIONS: All the above herbs are used in same close and ground iota powder. Take 6 gram each time with soap of rice porridge before meal. It can also be dccocted in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Clearing the intcsincs to stop bleeding and dispelling wind to lower qi.
INDICATIONS: Enterarrhagia due to intestine wind marked by bleeding be fore or after passing stools, or fresh blood in the stools, or dull purplish bloody stools, or bleeding due to hemorrhoids, red tongue with yellow and greasy coating, rolling and rapid or forceful rapid pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula for treatment of cntcrorrhagia due to intestine—wind. Sophora flower as a principal herb cnnls blond to ar rest bleeding, and is good at dissipating damp-heat in the large intestine. Biota tops, being bitter and astringent flavor and slight cold in property, enters the blood phase and cools blood to arrest bleeding. Schizoocpcta spike dispels wind-evil and stops bleeding. These two herbs are assistant herbs. Bitter orange activates qi to clear the large intestine so as to keep normal circulation of qi and blood, playing role of ad]ovaot and dispatcher herb.
Case with hemorrhoid, colitis and proctopolypus manifested by entcrorrhagia due to intestine-wind can be treated by the modified formulae.
Field ‘Ehirtle Decoction
SOURCE: Life Preserving Formulae
Dried rehmurmia root 3 Og
Field thirtlc 15g
Talcum powder I 3g
Fiveleaf akebia 9g
Cat-tail pollen(parehed) 9g
Node af latus rhizome Pg
Lophatherum 9g
Chinese angelica raut(washed with wine) Pg
Capejasmine fruit 9g
Roasted licorice rant 6g
DIRECTIONS: Decant all the herbs in water fur oral administration.
EFFECTS: Cooling blood to arrest bleeding and inducing diuresis tn treat stranguria.
INDICATIONS: Bland stranguria due to accumulation of heat in the lowerjiao marked by hematuria, frequent, painful and dribbling urination, red tongue, rapid pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: it is a common formula for treatment of syndrome of blood strangoria. Small thirtle is used as a principal herb with effects of cooling blood to arrest bleeding. Node of lotus rhizome and cat tail pollen are used as assistant herbs to assist the principal herb in cooling blood to stop bleeding and dissipating blood stasis to make the bleeding stop without stasis left. Talcum powder clears heat, promotes urination and treat strangoria. Fiveleaf akebia and lophatherom clear the heart, promotes urination and leads beat downwards. Cape jasmine fruit clears away the fire in triple jioo induces dioresis and relieves anxiety. Dried rebmannia root cools blood to arrest bleeding, nourishes yin to clear a- way heat. Chinese angcliea root, being warm in property nourishes and regulates the blood and leads the blood back to circulate in the vessels, and it is also used to counter act the cold properties of the other herbs in the fornsola to prevent blood stasis. The above mentioned herbs ore used together as adjovant herbs. Roasted licorice root, as a dispatcher herb, coordinates the effects of the other herbs io the fornoila.
This formula is usually used for ofinary tract infection, acute glomnerolone phritis and lithangioria niarked by symptoms of occomolstion of heat in the lower— jioo.
Yellow Earth Decoction
hung hi lUng
SOURCE: Synopsis of the Gold Chamber
Licorice root 9g
Dried rehmannia root 9g
Bighead atraetylodes rhizome 9g
Prepared aennite root 9g
Donkey-hide gelatin 9g
Seotellaria root 9g
Loess lining of a hay-burning stove 30g
DIRECTIONS: Loess lining of a hay-horning stove is deeocted in water to get its decoetion, and then deeoet the other herbs in the solntion for oral administra tion.
EFFECTS: Warming yang, invigorating the spleen, nourishing the blood and arresting bleeding.
INDICATIONS: Hemorrhage due to deficiency of spleen-yang marked by he matoehezia, or hematemesis, epistaxis, metrorrhagia and metrastsxis with dark-red color, cold limbs, sallow complexion, pale tongue with white coating, deep, thready and feeble pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula for treatment of hemor rhage due to weakness of yang qi and failore of the spleen to command the blood. Loess lining of a hay burning stove, as the principal herb in the formula, warms the middle and arrests bleeding with astringency. Acting as assistant herbs, big head atraetylodes rhizome sod prepared aeonite root strengthens the spleen to benefit qi and warms yang to command the blond. Dried rehmania root and donkey-hide gelatin nourish yin, replenish the blood and srresl bleeding. Seutellaris root, being bitter in flavor and cold in pruperty, is used to restrict warm and dry nature of bighead atractylodes rhizome. Prepared aconite root is to prevent the blond fnrrn consuming and bleeding. They are used together to get rid of their greasy tonic nature. Licorice runt, as a dispatcher herb, coordinates the actions of all other ingredients in the formula and harmonizes the middle.
This formula is often used for syndrame of failure of the spleen to command the blood invnlved in chronic hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract and chronic dys funetinal uterine bleeding.
Yellow Earth Deeoetion and Back to tile Spleen Decoetion both have the acfinn of arresting bleeding, and are both used for bleeding due to failore of the spleen to command the blood. However, the former warms spleen-yang to stop bleeding, it is used for bleeding due to deficiency of spleen yang. The latter invig 252
orates the spleen qi to stop bleeding, and so is used for bleeding due to failure of the qi to command blood.
In Summary
This chapter contains sixteen formulae, which ore divided into those formulae that promote blood circulation to resolve stasis, and those that arrest bleeding.
1 Formulae for promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis
Peach Kernel Porgative Decoction is based on Porgative Deeoction for Regulating the Stomach to which is added Peach Kernel and Cinnamon Twig, ond breaks the blood to remove accomolation of stasis-heat. It is indicated for blood accomolotioo in the lower-jioo. Recovery Blood Activating Decoction and Blood Hoose Blood Stasis-Dispelling Decoction are both used for pain doe to blood stasis in the chest and hypochondriom. however, Rhubarb is used in the former to purge blood stasis, hupleorom root is taken to soothe the liver to regulate qi and lead effect of the herbs to hypochondrium, and it is used for syndrome of traumatic in jury with extreme pain. The latter is based on Peach Kernel Poor Herbs Decoction and safflower to which is added bopleorom root, platycodon root, achyranthes root and hitter orange with combination of escending and descending and rcgolotiog qi and blood, so it is used for qi stagnation and blood stasis in the chest. Astragalos root is taken as a principal herb with large dosage in Yang-Invigorating Recuperation Decoction and combined with sonic herbs for promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis. It is osed for hemiplegia due to qi deficency cod blood stasis. Qili Powder promotes blood circulation to resolve stasis and arrests pain sod bleeding. It is used for swelling and pain due to blood stasis caused by traumatic injury and comminoted fracture, and it can be both used for oral administration and external application. Laughing Powder is good at promotiog blood circulation to resolve stasis and dissipating stasis to relieve pain, and it is usually used for postpartom retention of lochia,or cramping pain in the lower abdomen doe to irregular men stroation or pain caused by accumulation of blood stasis. Red Sage root Decoction takes red sage root as a principal herbs with large dosage cod combines with herbs for activating qi to stop pain, it is used for the heart pain and stomachache doe to blood and qi stagoation. Meridian Warming Decoction warms the meridians to expel cold, nourishes the blood and resolves stasis, and it is used for deficiency- cold of Choog and Ren Meridians accompanied by internal accumulation of stag nant blood and deficiency of yin-blood. Blood-Regenerating and Stasis Resolving Decoction uses Chinese angelica root with large dosage to nourish and activatr
blood. With addition of chuanxiong rhizome arid baked ginger it is used to warm the meridians and resolve suisis, and so it is often used for syndrome of deficiency- cold of blood marked by postpartum retention of lochia, pain in the lower abdo men. It is a common formula for treatment of postpartum diseases. Activating Col laterals Effective Pills stresses on promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis, and it is particularly used for swelling and pain due to traomatic injury and chest and abdominal pain.
2 Formulae for arresting bleeding
Ten Charred Herbs Powder, Four Fresh Herbs Pills, Hemuptysis Decoctinn, Sophora Flower Powder and Small Thirtle Decoction are all formulae which are used to cool blood and arrest bleedingS, and are indicated for syndrome of bleeding due to blood heat. Among them, Ten Charred Herb Powder is composed of herbs for clearing away heat to cool blond, which are parcherl dark with the original character remained, and it is used fur emergency treatment of hleeding. Four Fresh Herbs Pills is composed of fresh herbs to strengi hen their effects, in which argri leaf, being warm in nature, is combined to prevent stasis by cold properties of the other herbs, and it is used for hematemesis and epistaxis caused by blood heat. Hemoptysis Decoetion takes natural indigo and eapejasmine fruit to clear a- way liver- fire, to which some herbs for clearing away heat, resolving phlegm and astringing the lung to stop cough are added, and it is mainly used for syndrome of liver-fire invading the lung manifested as epistaxis. Saphuru Flower powder is good at clearing the intestines and dispelling wind to stop bleeding, so it is used for enternrrhagia due to intestine-wind. Small Thirtle Decoctiun stresses on cool ing the blood to srrest bleeding. When herbs for treatment of stranguria are added, it is used for bluod-stronguria due to accumulation of heat in the lower finn. Yellow Earth Deeoetion takes bess lining of a hay-burning stove with effects of warming the middle and arresting bleeding with astringency as a principal herb, to which some herbs for warming yang, strengthening the spleen, nourishing the blood and arresting bleeding are added. Scutellaria root is used to restrict pungent and hot properties of acnuite root, and it is used for hemorrhage due tu deficiency of spleen yang.