| Chapter Eleven Formulae for Regulating Qi
This group of formulae is mainly composed of herbs for regulating qi, haviog the effects of activating qi and lowering the adverse flow of qi.
Qi is the vital material basis for life activities and circulates the whole body, with ascending, descending, exiting and entering motions so that normal fonctional activities of five zang viscera and six in viscera are maintained. Simultaneously, generation and circulation of qi have to depend on normal function of the viscera. Overstress, emotional distorbance, improper diet or abnormal cold and heat may affect function of the viscera and lead to dysfunction of ascending and descending motions, resolting in different disorders of qi. Ta brief, they are not beyond the scope of qi deficiency, qi stagnation and reversed flow of qi. Among them, treat ment of qi deficiency has been discussed in the tonic formulae.
Chapter 74 in Plain Questions states: “Disorders due to over relaxation should be treated with activating herbs”, “Stagnation syndrome should be treated with disperive herbs” and “Syndrome due to upward flow of perverse qi should be treated with herbs for lowering qi”. According to these principles, method of regulating qi should he used to treat qi disorders caused by the stagnation and the re versed flow of qi. This type of formulae can be divided into two kinds : the formulae for activaling qi and the formulae for lowering reversed flow of qi.
In clinical practice, it is important to distinguish excess syndrome and deficiency syndrome. For examples, excess syndrome due lo qi stagoalion need to be treated with activating qi, and it may be aggravated by tonifying qi. Deficiency syndrome need to be treated with tonifying qi, and it may be worsened by activating qi. However, if q.i stagnation is complicated with qi deficiency, qi tunifying herbs can be added to formulae for activating qi in order to readjusting both dcf iciency and excess. In addition, qi regulating herbs are usually pungent and warm, and are apt to cause consumption of qi and body fluids, a moderate dosage of herbs should be prescribed, never overdusage. Therefore these herbs should be used cautiously for syndromes with deficiency of qi or deficiency of yin and pregnant women.
Section 1 Formulae for Activating Qi
These formulae are mainly used for syndromes due to stagnation of function al activities of qi. Qi continuous circulated within the human body, and is normal when it keeps flowing unubstructedly. The hinderance of qi mechanism appears mast communly in cases of stagnation nf the liver-qi, coagulation of yin cold, retentiun of phlegm-dampness, and accumulation of bland stasis, manifested as stuffy chest, distending pain in the hypuchondrium and abdomen, plum care sensation in the throat, and hernia, etc. For these conditions, the therapy of activating qi should be used. Commonly used herbs far activating qi, such as nutgrass flatsedge rhizome, sichuan chinaberry, lindera rant, magnolia bark, immature bitter orange, aucklandia runt and tangerine pit, etc. are usually used as main ingredients of the formulae.
For accompanying symptoms uf coagulation of yin-cold, dry ginger, galangal rhizome, evodia fruit., cinnamon bark and common fennel fruit can be added to the formula to warm yang and expel cold. Far accompanying symptoms of retention of pblegm dampness, pinellia tuber, trichnsanthes fruit, poria and tangerine peel can be added tu the formula to resolve phlegm and eliminate dampness. For accompanying symptoms of qi stagnation and bland stasis,red sage root, cat-tail pollen, Chi nese angelica root, chuanxiong rhizome and peach kernel can he added to the formula to promote blond circulation and remove blond stasis. For accompanying symptoms of qi stagnation transfurrning into the fire, capejasmine fruit and akebia stem can be added to the form ala to clear away heat and purge the fire. The main representative formulae in this category are Stagnation-Relieving Pills, Pinellia and Magnolia Decuction, Decactian of Unripened Bitter Orange, Macrustem Onion and Cinnamon Twigs, Liver-warming Oecoctiun, Tiantai Linderae Powder and Tangerine Seed Pills.
StagnatiomRelicving Pills
yueja wan
SOURCE: Danxi ‘5 Experiential Therapies
Atractylodes rhizome
Nutgrass flatsedge rhizume
Chuanxiong rhizome
Medicated leaven
Capejasmine fruit
The (lose of all the ingredients is equal in amount.
DIRECTIONS: Grind all the ingredients into fine powder and then make pills with water. The pills are to he taken 6-’9 grams eech time with warm boiled water, twice a day. It can also be decocted in water for oral administration with the dosage reduced proportionally.
EFFECTS: Activating qi to relieve stsgnation.
INDICATIONS: Syndromes of stagnation of qi, blood, phlegm, fire, dampness and food, manifested by stuffy chest, distention and pain in the abdomen, cructation with fetid odour and acid regurgitation, nausea and vomiting, and indigestion.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: This is a general formula for syndrome of six kinds of stagnations of qi, blood, phlegm, fire, dampness and food. Nutgrass flat- sedge rhizome in the formula is the principal herb to activate qi and relieve stagnation, and to soothe the liver and alleviate pain. Chuanxiong rhizome promotes the circulation of qi and blood to treat blood stagnation. Atractylodes rhizome dries dampness and strengthens the spleen to treat damp stagnation. When dampness is eliminated phlegm is easy to be resolved. So it also has the effect of relieving phlegm stagnation. Capejasmine fruit clears heat and purges fire to treat fire stagnation. Medicated leaven can treat food stagnation by removing food retention and harmonizing the stomach. All the above-mentioned herbs are osed as assistant herbs.
The major effects of this formula are to activate qi and relieve stagnation. In the clinical practice, the principal herb can be changed according to conditon of illness, and the ingredients of the formula should be adjusted correspondingly.
Functional gastrointestinal disorders, gastroduodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, infectious hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholclithiasis, intercostal neuralgia, dysmcnorrhea etc. manifested as symptoms of six kinds of stagnations can be treated by the formula.
Pinellia and Magnolia Decoction
bàn xià hoe p0 tang
SOURCE: Syoopsis of the Colder Chamber
Pinellia tuber 12g
Magnolia bark 9g
Poria 12g
Fresh ginger 15g
Perilla leaf 6g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Activating qi and dispersing accumulation, lowering the adverse flow of qi and resolving phlegm.
INDICATIONS: Plum-cure feeling in the thruat manifested by a subjective sensatiun as if a plum pit is stuck in the throat which can neither be thrown up nor swallowed down, ur accompanied by stuffy chest and hypochundrium, or cough or vomiting, white and moist and greasy coating, slippery or string-taut pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula to treat plum-pit sensa tion in the throat. Pinellia tuber in the formula is used as a principal herb tu re solve phlegm, disperse accumulation and harmonize the stotnach and lower the adverse flow of qi. Magnolia bark lowers qi and relieves the sensation of fullness and assists pinellia tuber in dispersing stagnation, soothing the chest and regulating the middle. Poria oozes dampness and invigorates the spleen and assists pinellia tuber in resolving phlegm. The two herbs are used as assistant herbs. Fresh ginger, pungent in flavor and warm in property, harmonizes the stomach and lowers the adverse flow of qi. Perilla leaf activates circulation of qi, soothes the liver and regulates qi by means of its aroma. These two herbs are adjuvant herbs.
Today this formula is often used for treatment of syndrome of phlegm accumulation doe to qi stagnation occurring in hysteria, functional gastrointestinal disorders, spasm of esophagus, chronic pharyngitis, bronchitis and others.,
The furmola is mainly composed of herbs which are pungent and bitter in flavor and warm and dry in nature, so it is contraindicated in cases with insufficiency of yin fluid or flaring of fire doe to yin deficiency.
Unripened Bitter Orange, Macrostern
and Cinnamon Twigs Decoction
zhl shI xiè Mi gui zhi tang
SOURCE: Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
Unripencd hiiter orange 12g
Magnolia bark 12g
Macrostem onion 9g
Cassia Twig 6g -
Trichosanthes fruit l2g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs in water fur oral administration.
EFFECTS: Activating yang to disperse accumulation and promoting the cir culation of qi to expel phlegm.
INDICATIONS: Chest blockage nutriifested by pcctoral pain with stuffy chest, even thc pectoral pain radiating to the hack, accumpanied by dyspnea, cough with abundant phlegm, shortness of breath, abnormal rising of qi frum thc lower, white and greasy coating of the tongue, dccp and string—taut or tense poles.
ANALYS1S OF FORMULA: lt is a cumroon formula to treat syndrome of chest blockage due to weakncss of chest yang and phlegm turbidity obstructing the middle. Unripened bitter urange lowers qi, removes accumulation and relicvcs stuffincss in the chest. Macrostem union being pungent in flavor and warm in property has effects of activating yang, soothing the chest and dispersing accumu lation. Cassia twig acflvates yang, expels cold and lowers the adverse flow of qi. The three herbs are principal herbs. Trichusanthes fruit resolves phlegm and disperses accumulation. Magnolia bark lowers qi and relieves fullness. The two herbs are used as ad] uvant herbs. The combination of all herbs in the formula gets the result of activating chest yang, dispersing cold-accumulation, expelling phlegm- turbidity and promoting functional activities of qi.
(1) Trichosanthes Macrostem and Liquor Decoction(gua tori ne Mi Mi fin tang)
SOURCE: Synopsis uf the Golen Chamber
Trichosanthes fruit 12g
Macrostem onion 12g
Liquor, proper omount(or 30 to 60 ml)
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the ingredients in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Activating yang and dispersing accumlation, promoting the circulation of qi and resolving phlegm.
INDICATIONS: Syodrorne of chest blockage marked by prctoral pain, even radiating to the back, dyspoea, cough with phlegm, shortness of breath, white and greasy coating, deep and string-taut poles of tense pulse.
(2) Trichosanthes, Macrostem and Pinellia Decoctioo (gua tori ne Mi bàn
nci tang)
SOURCE:Synopsis of the Golden chamber
Triehosanthes fruit lZg
Macrostem union 9g
Pinellia tuber jig
Liquor(proper amout)
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the ingredients in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: It is similar to that of Decoction of Trichosanthes and Macrostem with Liquor, but the effects of expelling phlegm and dispersing accumulation is stronger than those of the former.
INDICAGIONS: Syndrome of chest blockage due to severe accumulation or phlegm-turbidity marked by pectoral pain with extreme stuffiness, radiating to the back and inability to lie down.
The three formulae above mentioned can he used for syndrome of chest blockage. Decoction of Unripened Bitter Orange, Macrostem and Cinnamon Twigs has stronger effects of activating yang and dispersing accumulation, it is suitable for chest blockage due to inter-coagulation of phlegm and qi accompanied by ab normal rising of qi from the lower. Decoction of Trichosanthes and Macrostem with Liquor stresses on activating yang, dispersing accumulation and promoting the circulation of qi to resolve phlegm. It is used for syndrome of chest blockage manifested as mild case of phiegm-turbidity. Decoction of Trichosanthes, Mac— rostem and Pinellia is good at expelling phlegm and removing accumulation, and is indicated to syndrome of chest blockage with abundant phlegm-turbidity.
Liver-warming Decoction
nudn gãn jiUn
SOURCE: Jingyue’s Complete Works
Chinese angeleba root 9g
Wolfberry fruit 9g
Common fennel fruit 6g
Cinnamon bark 3 —6g
Lindera root 6g
Eagle wood or Aucklandia root 3g
Poria 6g
Fresh ginger 6g
DIRECTIONS: Decuct all the herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Warming and tonifying the liver and kidney, and avtivating qi to relieve pain.
INDICATIONS:. Hernia caused by insufficiency of the liver and kidney and qi stagnation due to cold coagulation marked by pain in lower abdomen, pale and ten der tongue with white or white muist coating, deep, thready and string taut pulse,
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formola for hernial pain caused by deficiency-cold in the lower finn and qi stagnation due to cold coagulation. Chinese angelica root and wolfberry fruit warm and tonify the liver and kidney, and nourish the essence and blood to consolidate ihe “root”, and act as principal herbs. Common fennel fruit and cinnamon bar arc used as assistant herbs to warm the kidney and expels cold. Lindera root and eagle wood activate qi to stop pain, and they combine with common fennel fruit and cinnamon bark to have the effects of warming yang and activating qi so as to treat the “branch”. Poria oozes the dampness to strengthen the spleen. Fresh ginger expels cold and harmonizes the stomach. Working together, they play the role of adjuvant and dispatcher herbs.
This formola is only used for hernia doe to exuberance of yin-cold. It is nnt advisable for syndrome of downward flaw of damp-heat manifested as congestion, swelling and hot pain of the scrotom.
Tiantal Lindera Powder
thIn tâi wü ydo can
SOURCE: Invention of Medicine
Lindera root 12g
Auclrlandia root 6g
Common fennel froit( parched) 6g
Green tangerine peel 6g
Galangal rhizome(parchrd) 9g
Areca seed 9g
Sichoan chinaberry 12g
Croton seed 12g
DIRECTIONS: First, crush croton seed and parch with sichoan chinaherry arid wheat bran to dark brass and then remove croton seed and wheat bran See-
ondly, grind the all ingredients mb powder. Take 3 grams each time with warm liquor. It can ha decocted with proper amount of liquor in water for oral administration, but croton seed should be omitted.
EFFECTS: Activating qi and sooting the liver, and expelling cold and relieving pain.
INDICATIONS: Hernia caused by qi stagnation due to cold coagulation in the Liver Meridian marked by pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the testis, pale tongue with white coating, deep and slow or taut pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula for hernia caused by qi stagnation doe to cold coagulation. Predecessors stated: “activating qi is used first when treating hernias. “ Lindera root in the formula is used as the principal herb with effects of activating qi, southig the liver, expelling cold and relieving pain. Common fennel fruit warms the liver and expels cold. Galangal rhizome dispels cold to relieve pain. Green rangerine peel regulates qi to soothe the liver. Auck landia runt activates qi to relieve pain. Working together, they are assistant herbs. Areca seed, directly entering into the lower jiao, has the effects of activating qi and resolving stagnation to break hardness. Sichuan chinaberry is prepared with croton seed in order to decrease its bitter cold nature and increase the effects of activating and resolving stasis. .‘fhese two herhs play the roles of adjuvant and dispatcher herbs.
Tangerine Pit Pills
jühé wan
SOURCE: Life-Preserving Formulae
Tangerine pit(parched) 30g
Sargassum seaweed(washed) 30g
Japanese sea tangle(washed) 30g
Sichuan chinaberry(Pulp removed and parched) 30g
Peoch kernel(parched with wheat bran) 30g
Magnolia bark(bark removed and parched with giogcr) 15g
Akehia stem 15g
Unripened hitter orangc(parched with wheat bran) 15g
Corydalis tuber(bark removed and parched) 15g
Cassia twig(bark removed) 15g
Aucklandia root 15g
DIRECTIONS: Grind all ingredients inta fine pawder, mixing it with wine to make into pills for oral administration, 9’—42 grams each time with warm wine or slight salt water before meal. The herbs can also be decanted in water for oral ad ministration with dosage redoced proportionally.
EFFECTS: Activating qi to relieve pain and softening hardness to resolve lump.
INDICATIONS: Hernia caused by cold dampness marked by swelling of the tcstis with pulling, pain radiating ta umbilicos and abdomen, or thc testis being as hard as stone, even swelling of scrotum, or oozing yellowish water, or olceration, white and moist or greasy tongue coating, deep and taut pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula for treatment of indo lence hernia. Tangerioe pit in the formula is used as a principal herb with effects of sooting the liver, activating qi and resolving lump to relieve pain. Sichoan china berry and auscklaodia root enter the Liver Meridian and go through the qi phase to activate qi and relieve pain. Peach kernel and corydalis toher enter the Jueyin Meridian and go throogh the blood stage to promote blood circulation and remove stasis, acting as assistant herbs. Cessie twig warms the liver and kidney and dispels the cold-evil. Unripened bitter orange and magnolia hark remove retention in the qi stage. Sargassom seaweed and Japanese sea tangle, salt in flavor and cold in property, have the effects of relieving stuffiness, softening and dissolving hard masses. Akebia stem clears away heat and excretes dampness, and open the path for phlegm-dampness downward. They are osed together as adjuvant herbs.
Today this formula is often used for syndrome of cold dampness invading Joeyio Meridian with qi stagnation and blood stasis involved in abdominal external hernia, testis hydrocele, orchids, epididymnitis and others.
Section 2 Formulae for Lowering the Adverse Flow of Qi
This group of formulae is mainly used for syndromes doe to adverse flow of qi. In clinical practice they appear most commonly in cases of long qi failing to deporative descent and adverse rising of stomach qi. Among five zang-viscera, the long dominates deporative descent and the stomach is healthy when its qi descending. Adverse flow of qi can be caosed by the cold evil, heot-evil and the phlegm, or faihire of the kidney in receiving qi.
Abnormal rising of long qi is mainly manifested as cough and asthma, and it should be treated with method of lowering the adverse flow of qi to relieve asth224
ma. Perilla seed, bitter apricot kernel, tatarian aster rant, eolsfoot flower and ephedra are oseaily used as principal herbs. Abnormal rising of the lung qi is mainly manifested by vomiting and hiccup, end therapy of lowering adversc flow of qi shoold be o.sedagainst it. The most commonly used herbs crc mole flower, red achre, pinellia tober, fresh ginger, bamboo shavings, persimmon calyx and cloves.
if the kidney fails to receive qi, cinnamon bark, prepared lateral root of aconite, and conimon fennel fruit can be added to the formula to warm the kidney and expel cold. If adverse flow of qi is aceotnpanied by qi dcficiency, pilose asiahell root, Chinese date and liqooriec can he added to the formula to reinforce the mid dIe and benefit qi. if adverse flow of qi is complicated by deficiency-heat, ophio pogon root and loqoat leaf shoold be added to the formula to lower qi and clear a- way heat. if adverse flow of qi is complicated by phlegm robidity, poria, mulberry bark and tangerine peel should be added to the formula to eliminate dampness to resolve phlegm. The major representative formolae are Perilla Seed Qi lowering Decoction, Asthma Relieving Decoction, Inola and Red Ochre Decoetion, Tango rine Pecl and Bamboo Shavings Decoctino and Clove Perimmon Calyx Decoction.
Perilla Seed Qi-Lowering Decoction
sü zi jidng qI tang
SOURCE: Prescription of peaceful Benevolent Dispensary
Perilla seed 9g
Pinellia tuber 9g
Chinese angelica root 6g
Roasted licorice root Gg
Peucedanum root 6g
Magnolia bark(bark rcmoved and parched with fresh ginger juice) 6g
Cinnamon bark 3g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all above herbs plus fresh ginger(3g), a Chinese date and perilla leaf 3g in water for oral administration.
EF’FEC’IS: Lowering adverse flow of qi to relieve asthma and expelling phlegm to stop cough.
INDICATIONS: Abundant accumulation of phlegm doe to cxccss in the opper and deficicncy in thc lower manifested by cough with dyspnea, shortness of breath, stuffy chest, lumbago, weakness of legs, fatigue of the limbs, of edema of limbs, white and smooth coating or white and greasy coating of the tongue.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formula to treat asthma and cough due to excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower. Perilla seed is taken as principal herh with the effects of lowering adverse flow of qi to relieve asthma and ecxpelling phlegm to stop cough.Pinellia tuher as assistant herbs being pun gent in flavor and warm in property lowers adverse qi to stop vomiting. Magnolia bark activates qi and expels fullness. Peucedanum root resolves phlegm to stop cough. Cinnamon hark has the effects of warming the kidney to expel cold and re ceiving qi to relieve asthma. Chinese angelica root nourishes the blood to gentle the liver. These two herbs are used together for warming and tonifying the lower jiao to lower the abnormally ascending qi. Fresh ginger and perilla leaf disperse the lung to expel culd and harmonize the stomach to lower adverse flow of qi. They function as the adjuvant herbs. Licorice root and Chinese date coordinate the effects of all the other herbs in the recipe and benefit qi to harmonize the middle.
Today, this formula is usually used for treatment of abundant accumulation of phlegm due to excess in the upper and deficiency in lower marked by cough and asthmc involved in chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema and pulmonary heart disease.
Asthma-Relieving Deeoction
ding chuán tang
SOURCE: Wonderful Formulae for Everyone’s Life-Preserving
Gingko nut(crushed and parched them into yellow) 9g
Ephedra 9g
Perilla seed 6g
Licorice root 3g
Coltsfoot flower 9g
Bitter apricot kernel 9g
Mulberry bark 9g
Scutellaria root 6g
Pinellia tuber 9g
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs listed above in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Dispersing the lung to lower adverse flow of qi and expectorating phlegm to relieve asthma.
INDICATIONS: Internal accumulation of phlegm-heat with the attack of
wind cold on th exterior manifested by aversion to cold, fever, profuse yellowish and viscid phlegm, cough, asthma, yellow, greasy coating of the tongoe, slippery, rapid pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: it is a effective formula for treatment of internal accumulation of phlegm heat with the attack of wind cold on the exterior. Ephedra in the formula relieves the exterior syndrome by its pungent and warm properties and disperses the lung to relieve asthma, while gingko-nut astringes the lung to stop cough and resolves phlegm to relieve asthma. The two herbs work in combination to reinforce asthma-relieving effect as well as preventing ephedra from con suming the lung-qi so as to gain the result of both astringency and dipersion, and they are principal herbs. Perilla seed, bitter apricot kernel, pinellia tuber and colts- foot flower are used as assistant herbs with the effects of lowering adverse flow of qi to relieve asthma and resolving phlegm to relieve cough. Mulberry bark and scutellaria runt as the adjuvant herbs clear away long-heat to relieve cough and asthma. Licorice runt moderates the properties of all the other ingredients in the formula and has the effect of resolving phlegm, playing role of dispatcher herb.
Today this formula is usually fur treatment of internal accumulation of phlegm heat with the attack of wind- cold on the exterior involved in chronic bron chitis, bronchial astham and asthmatic bronchitis.
This formula and Minor Blue Dragon Decoction buth can be used to treat asthma caused by internal accumulation of phlegm heat with the attach of wind cold on the exterior. however, the former is concurrently in charge of clearing a- way phlegm-heat, the latter particular stressed on warming and resolving cold flu id-retention.
Inula and Red Oclsre Decoction
xadn dâi zhé tang
SOURCE: Treatise on Cold-Attack
Inula flower(to he decoeted in packet) 9g
Ginseng 6g
Fresh ginger lOg
Red ochre 5g
Roasted licorice root 6g
Pinellia tuber 9g
Chinese date 4 pcs.
DIRECTIONS: Decoct all the herbs mentioned in water for oral odministration.
EFFECTS: Warming the stomach and resolving phlegm, and lowering the adverse flow of qi to stop belching.
INDICATIONS: Syndrome of internal retention of phlegm-torhidity doe to deficiency of stomach-qi manifested hy epigasiric fullness and rigidity, frequent belching, vomiting, salivation, white smooth coating of the tongue, taut and feeble pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: Inula flower in the formula lowers the adverse flow of qi to relieve belching aod expels phlegm to relieve stuffiness. Red ochre, being a heavy material with descending nature, functions in lowering the adverse flow of qi and removing phlegm to stop vomiting. These two ingredients are used as principal herbs. Fresh ginger warms the stomach to expel cold and harmonizes the stomach to stop vomiting, and pinellia tuber functions in drying dampness, removing phlegm, resolving masses and relieving stuffiness, acting as assistant herbs. Ginseng invignrates the spleen and stnmach to consolidate the middle jiao. Chinses daie is used to assist ginseng in replenishing qi to harmonize the middle. These two are ad] uvant herbs. Roasted licorice root has the effect of moderating the properties of all the other ingredients, and plays the role of dispatcher herb,
Today this formula is often used fur internal retention of phlegm-turbidity due to stomach—cold and deficiency of the middle jioo marked by belching, nause a, vomiting with hiccough involved in functional gastrointestinal disorder chronic gastritis, gastroptosis, gastric dilntntiou, gastric and dundenal ulcer, incomplete pylorochesis and neurogenic hiccup, etc.
Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoetion
já p1 zhá rá tang
SOURCE: Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
Tangerine peel 9g
Bamboo shavings 1 2g
Chinese date 5 pcs.
Fresh ginger Sg
Licorice rout 6g
Ginseng 3g
DIRECTIONS: Decuct all the herbs listed above in water fur oral administra228
EFFECTS: Lowering the adverse flow of qi lo soppress vomiting, replenis hing qi and clearing away heat.
INDICATIONS: Reversed flow of qi due to stomach deficiency with heat maoifested by vomiting and regorgitation, hiccop, red tongoe, feeble, rapid polse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: Tangerine peel regolatcs qi, strengthens the spleen and harmonizes the stomach to suppress vomiting. Bamboo shavings clears heat, resolves phlegm and lowers adverse qi to stop vomiting. These two herbs are both osed as principal herbs. Ginseng iovigorates qi to consolidate the genoine. The combination of genseng and tangerine peel achieves the effects of activating accompanied by reinforcing. Fresh ginger is key herb for relieving vomiting, ond its combination with bamboo shavings gets the effects of warming accompanied by clearing away heat. So these two herbs are osed as assistant herbs. I,icorice root and Chinesc date are osed to assist ginseng in invigorating qi and harmonizing the stomach and to moderate all the other herbs. They act as adjovant and dispatcher hcrbs. All ingredients in the formola working togethcr crcate the resolt of iovigor ating qi withoot caosing stagnation and clearing away heat withoot leading to cold, thereby, the formola is aoitable for vomiting, regurgitaiion and hiccop doe to stomach deficiency with heat. It is contraindicated in cases with vomiting and hiccop doe to excess-heat or deficiency-heat.
Today this foromla is oaoally osed for treatment of vomiting of pregnancy, neurogenie vomiting, incomplete pylornehesis with vomiting, gastritis with vomiting,obstinate hiceop after abdominal operation and others symptoms of adverse flow of qi doe to stomach deficiency with heat.
Clove and Perimmon Calyx Decoction
ding xidng shi dl tang
SOURCE: Treatment Based on Syndrome, Ceoae and Poise
Cloves 6g
Perimomon Calyx 9g
Gtnseng 3g
Fresh ginger 6g
DIRECTIONS: Decoci all the herbs in water for oral administration.
EFFECTS: Replenishing qi, warming the middle and lowering adverse flow of qi to relieve hiccop.
INDiCATIONS: Hiccup due to deficiency cold of stomach-qi markcd by stuffy chcst and siow pulse.
ANALYSIS OF FORMULA: It is a common formulo for treatment uf reversed flow uf qi doe to deficiency cold of stomach-qi manifestcd as hiccup and vomiting. Cloves warms the middle to stop hiccop,and is a key herb for treating vomiting and hiccup doe to stomach-cold. Perimmon calyx, being bitter and astringent in flavor and warm in property, is good at relieving hiccup. The combination of these two herbs has the effects of warming the stomach to expel cold and lowering ad verse flow of qi to stop hiccup. They arc used as principal herbs. Ginseng is used as assistant herb to tonify the middle qi Fresh ginger as adjovant herb warms the middle to stop vomiting and harmonizes the stomach to lower adverse flow of qi.
Today this formula is often used for ncorogenic hiccup, obstinate hiccup after abdominal operation with symptoms of reversed flow of qi doe to deficiency-cold of stomach qi. It is contraindicatcd in cases with hiccup doe to stomach heat, chro nic illness and qi deficiency after delivery.
In Summary
This chapter selected eleven common formulae, all of which are dividd into two kinds formolae for activating qi and formulae for lowering the adverse flow of qi according to their actions.
1. F’ormnlac for activating qi
Stagnation Relieving Pill activates qi to relieve stagnaTion. It is generally used for six kiods of stagnation due to qi, blood, fire, phlegm, dampness and food, of which, qi stagnation is the main one. The herbs for activating qi with aromatic are used as principal herbs. In clinical practice it is necessary to adjust the dosage of the herbs in accordance with the conditions of illness. Pinellia and Magnolia Dc— coction activates qi, disperses stagnation, resolves phlegm and dissolves accomula tion, and is used for plum-core senstaion in the throat doe to qi stagnation and phlegm accumolatioo. Unripened Bitter Orange, Macrostem and Cinnamon Twigs Decoction are good at activating yang to disperse accumulation, and are suitable for clirst blockage due to internal retention of phlegm rothidity, exoherance of yin-cold and weakness of chest-yang. Liver warming Decnction, Tiantal Linderae Powder and Tangerine-pit Pill all can activate qi to alleviate pain, expel cold and resolves masses, and can be used for hernia. However, the first one is indicated fer hernia caused by deficiency of the liver and kidney and relative exuberance of yin cold, belonging to syndrome of deficiency complicated with excess. The formula
acts on both the “branch” and the “root” . It warms and tonifies the liver and kid ney to consolidate the “root”, and activates qi and dispels cold to treat the “branch”. The second one stresses on activating qi and dispelling cold, and is mostly osed for hernia eaosed by qi stagnation doe to cold coagulation. Croton seed in the formola is parched with sichoan chinaherry, and then croton seed re moved, this porticalar method needing special attention. The last one has stronger actions of softening hardness to resolve Limp in addition to effects of activation qi cod promoting blood circulation, so it is soitable far indolent—hernia marked by pain, hardness of tsotis, swelling of scrotom.
2 Formulae for lowering the adverse flow of qi
Bath perilla Seed Qi lowering Decoction and Asthma Relieving Decoctiao are good at lowering adverse flow of lung-qi to relieve asthma. The former aims at warming and resolving cold-phlegm, lowering adverse flow of qi to relieve asthma. In order to treat the “branch”, simultaneously, it also warms the kidney and receives qi to consolidate the root. It is mainly used for cold, damp and phlegm asthma doe to excess in the upper and deficiency i the lower. The latter, has the effects of dispersing tIle lung to relieve asthma, clearing away heat and resolving phlegm and it is mostly used for asthma doe to internal accumulation of phlegm- heat with attack of wind cold on the exterior. Ephedra and gingko-nut are used together in the formula, and the two herbs, one with astringing effect;and the other with the effect of dispersion, are combined to enforce the asthma-relieving effect as well as avoiding consomoption of long-qi,hot gingko-not is astringent in flavor, and is not allowed to use over dose. loula and Red ()chre Decoction, Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction all have the effects of lowering adverse flow ol qi to arrest vomiting and benefiting qi to harmonize the stomach. However, the first one lays stress on warming the stomach to arrest vomiting and belching, nod is indicated for epigastric fullness cod stuffiness, belching and vomiting caused by deficiency cold in the stomach and rebellion of qi doe to retention of phlegm. The second one is good at both stopping hiccup and clearing the stomach heat, so it is used for hiccup due to stomach deficiency with symptoms of heat. The last one has good effects of stopping hiccup, warming the stomach and dispelling cold, and is effective for hiccup due to stomach deficiency with symptoms of cold.